Um dos edifícios foi o da estação italiana RAI, a transmissão em direto foi interrompida. O fogo deflagrou durante a tarde desta quarta-feira numa colina perto do Tribunal de Justiça da capital italiana.
🚨#BREAKING: A large fire broke out in Rome, Italy on Wednesday on a hill near the Italian capital's court of justice and a public TV broadcasting centre, forcing the evacuation of several buildings and offices, firefighters said.
— R A W S G L 🌎 B A L (@RawsGlobal) July 31, 2024
ITALY 🇮🇹 A fire is spreading in Rome, near the hill that rises to Monte Mario, above the court of justice. Several buildings and offices have been evacuated.
— Toria Brooke (@realtoriabrooke) July 31, 2024